Mondo Colorado presents...

(second series)

Welcome to the gallery of Ursula Freer's digital images. Ursula lives and works in Santa Fe, NM. Her digital art has been shown in numerous galleries nationally and over-seas.

"After painting in traditional media for many years, I started experimenting with digital imagery about three years ago. I love the freedom to create without the limitations of traditional media. It's as if the tools of a magician were offered to me to play with.
Come join me me for a fantasy ride."

- Ursula Freer

This page contains thumbnails of all images; click on any image to get its larger version. Then you can use the [previous], [index] and [next] buttons to proceed through the entire exhibit in any order you wish.

Wind Song
Fractal World
Inside Out
All images are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission from the artist.

Limited edition prints are available from:
Ursula Freer

Images ©2000 Ursula Freer
Pages ©2001 Jiri Matejicek

[Ursula's Gallery][Mondo Colorado Gallery][Archive]

First posted 5/30/99, last updated 10/12/09.