
This gallery presents selected images by photographer and filmmaker Michael Moreth. He lives in a suburb of Chicago with his wife Helene and four birds. He is also an FCC licensed amateur radio operator with the callsign of N9OGC. Michael's complete CV can be found here.

This page contains thumbnails, to give you a quick overview. Click on any picture to get its larger size version. Then, you can use the 'previous', 'index', 'next' buttons to proceed through the entire exhibit. All images are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission from the artist.

Cafe Elston Avenue
Howard Street Station Painter
O'Hare Airport Sammy Sosa Billboard
Self Portrait Train Platform

Images ©1998-1999 Michael Moreth
Pages ©2000 Jiri Matejicek

more photos | Mondo Colorado

First posted 3/14/00, last updated 9/15/09.